March 1 Democratic Primary
Voting In Person
Election Day is Tuesday, March 1. You can vote at any voting location in Travis County from 7am to 7pm.
You must take an approved photo ID with you to the polls. Find your nearest polling location in Travis County or get directions using our map.
Voters are strongly encouraged to wear a mask and practice social distancing and good hygiene when at a polling place. Curbside voting is also available, call or text the number provided via signage at the designated parking spots.
Travis County is undertaking a variety of precautionary measures to keep poll workers and voters safe, including having workers wear masks or face shields, using plexiglass table top guards, using self-cleaning styluses and pens, and more.
Make Your Voting Plan
Use our map below to find your most convenient voting location. You can vote anywhere in Travis County where you see a “Vote Here” sign. Don’t miss out on your chance to make your voice heard!
Voting By Mail
- 65 years of age or older on Election Day
- Sick or disabled
- Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day
- Will be out of the county for the entire early voting period and election day, or
- Confined in jail but eligible to vote, may apply to vote by mail.
Voter ID
Voter ID Laws are still in effect. Please remember to take your Texas Driver License or other approved photo identification with you to the polls. More info and list of acceptable IDs here.